JAKARTA - Social Minister Tri Rismaharini asked local government officials to pay more attention to the prediction of potential further disasters that have been mapped by the Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics Agency (BMKG), after the earthquake in Pacitan, East Java, Tuesday evening, July 27.

"Time and again, the head of the BMKG has said that this prediction is not just a prediction, but it is the result of analysis and research from experts on disasters, therefore it would be wise for us to anticipate so that more victims will not occur. Socialization must also be carried out continuously," he said in his statement in Jakarta, reported by Antara, Wednesday, July 28.

He wanted the Pacitan Regency Government to anticipate the prediction of the potential tsunami threat on the southern coast of Java.

He revealed three messages to be prepared for a potential tsunami, first, an early warning system, namely by monitoring the coast through an alarm that will alert residents on the beach if there are indications of an earthquake and tsunami danger.

Second, prepare self-rescue efforts. This is related to infrastructure and community accessibility to save themselves as soon as possible when a disaster occurs.

Evacuation signs, according to Risma, are still lacking so they need to be reproduced and provided in places that people usually visit. In addition, he said, evacuation routes must be expanded and the bridge to the Temporary Evacuation Site (TES) that was cut off must be repaired.

"For my friends from Tagana (Disaster Preparedness Officers), I ask them to help with evacuation mapping, what are the obstacles, and what kind of access," he said.

Third, use local wisdom. He said that existing local wisdom can be used because it has been tested for a long time.

He gave an example of the tsunami in Aceh, one of which was felt in Simeulue Regency. With local wisdom, the result is minimal casualties.

"There when I saw that there were not many victims, it turned out that there was local wisdom such as houses made of wood that are kind of earthquake resistant. People can also distinguish an earthquake that has the potential for a tsunami and they immediately run up the hill, things like that that we can explore," he said.

Regarding the construction of shelters or temporary shelters, it will be discussed with related parties, such as the Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) and the East Java Provincial Government.

Head of the BMKG Earthquake and Tsunami Center, Rahmat Triyono, said that according to research results, Pacitan Regency is one of the areas on the southern coast of Java Island that has the potential for earthquakes and tsunamis.

"It is estimated that a tsunami potential can occur with a wave height of up to 18 meters with an arrival time of about 26 minutes after the earthquake," he said.

Present at the meeting were the Director General of Social Protection and Security Pepen Nazzarudin, the Regent of Pacitan Indrata Nur Bayuaji, and the Head of the BMKG Earthquake and Tsunami Center Rahmat Triyono, as well as the Cadets of Pacitan Regency.

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