MALANG - The Head of the National Police's Security Maintenance Agency (Kabaharkam) Komjen Arief Sulistyanto checked the handling of COVID-19 carried out by local governments, especially in the Malang City and Batu City areas, East Java.

Komjen Arieef said the Malang City Government had conveyed various efforts made to reduce the spread of the corona virus in the area. Efforts have been made well. "I went to Malang City to review the implementation, management, and prevention of the COVID-19 pandemic. The steps taken were very collaborative and able to build synergy to save the community from the COVID-19 pandemic," said Arief, quoted by Antara, Tuesday, July 27. He explained that the various efforts made by the Malang City Government together with the Regional Leadership Communication Forum (Forkopimda) were considered capable of accelerating the process of handling and handling COVID-19 in Malang City. The city of Malang is considered to comply with the implementation of strict health protocols and follow government recommendations. "Coping COVID-19 is our shared responsibility. For that, we emphasize that people continue to strictly adhere to health protocols," he said.

Komjen Arief inspected the centralized isolation site (isoter) at the Indonesian Evangelical Service Foundation (YPPII) in Batu City. According to him, the isolation facility has adequate and good facilities and infrastructure. "Isolation is one way to prevent transmission. We must continue to remind health protocols. If there are positive cases, immediately report and isolate," he said. There are a total of 280,261 confirmed positive cases of COVID-19. Of the total, 209,663 people recovered, 18,899 died, and the rest are under treatment.

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