BADUNG - A resident with the initials FWS and his family were allegedly evicted from a village in Mengwi, Badung, Bali because they did not have a COVID-19 vaccination certificate. Currently, the Indonesian Legal Aid Foundation (YLBHI-LBH) in Bali is accompanying the victim to report the case to the police.

"Yes, there were residents (expelled). (Because) in their village, they made a policy that whoever is in the village must show the vaccine (certificate)", said Bali YLBHI-LBH Director Ni Kadek Vany Primaliraning when contacted, Tuesday, July 27.

FWS was allegedly evicted from his residence in Banjar Gulingan, Mengwi, Badung Regency, Bali on Sunday, July 18.

At that time, they were visited by the COVID-19 Task Force officers and the local village headman or customary village head and were allegedly evicted from their homes because they could not show a COVID-19 vaccination certificate.

In addition, the eviction was based on the Gulingan Village Perbekel Decree Number: 470/1435/ Regarding Population Confirmation.

The letter contains three points. First, the boarding house owner is required to report the residents who will live in the boarding house no later than 1x24 hours by attaching a complete identity and a COVID-19 vaccination certificate.

Second, migrant residents who already live in Gulingan Village must have participated in the COVID-19 vaccination, by showing a vaccination certificate. If they cannot show a vaccination certificate, they will be expelled from Gulingan Village.

Third, the Kelian Banjar Official collects data and reports the migrant population in their respective areas to the Gulingan Village Office.

"So from (the rule) he (FWS) entered the second point, he has settled there and already has a house in Gulingan Village. Then, he couldn't show the vaccine certificate, he was asked for it and he couldn't show it. Then, he was threatened. today he will be forced to leave his house and there is even a threat that his house will be sealed by the village", he said.

FWS reports the eviction incident to the LBH for a request for legal assistance. The victim is now accompanied by a report to the Badung Police.

"This victim reported it to LBH and his wife is still at home. So he asked for legal assistance because he remembers his wife is still at home and he doesn't feel safe if he returns immediately", he said.

For the LBH, expulsion is a form of threat to citizens and can be punished.

"We are assisting related to this regulation because it is in the form of a threat to citizens. Because basically, related to this expulsion, it cannot be immediately expelled because the expulsion is a criminal offense and it is a violation of the constitution", said Vany.

"We ask for legal protection from the police. Because at that time they were accompanied by Community Security and Order Supervisor (Babinkamtibmas) because the Babinkamtibmas is part of the police. So, we hope that the police are also firm with their members", he continued.

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