JAKARTA - DKI Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan invites residents to vaccinate against COVID-19 to make the capital city healthier.

He made this statement while reviewing the COVID-19 vaccination at the Pengayoman Cipinang Hospital, East Jakarta, Saturday, July 24.

Vaccination was attended by ASN employees and their families, PPNPN (Non Civil Service Government Employees), the Regional Office of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights, and the surrounding community.

"It is better for us residents of DKI Jakarta to choose the option of taking vaccinations by inviting their families and sharing their experiences with neighbors and the surrounding community so that they immediately participate in vaccination activities," said Anies Baswedan as quoted from Antara.

Anies Baswedan said that during the current COVID-19 pandemic, people have two choices, namely being infected or being vaccinated.

With that, Anies hopes that DKI Jakarta residents and residents who are active, as well as residents who have ID cards outside the area who are studying in Jakarta to immediately vaccinate.

"Because this vaccination can make the capital city safer and healthier," said Anies Baswedan.

Anies also reminded all residents to temporarily stay at home during PPKM masses like now.

This is because the risk of transmitting COVID-19 occurs due to increased mobility. "Follow and obey the PPKM rules, so that safety is also maintained," said Anies.

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