JAKARTA - A wave of protests related to the murder of a black man, George Floyd, by Derek Chauvin, the United States (US) Minneapolis police is still happening in various parts of the world. In the US, the demands are now widespread. Demonstrators demanded the state cut the budget for the police.
Many believe the lawsuit was born as the culmination of anger by protesters over the brutality and racist actions of many police in the US. Protesters believe the budget cuts will deal a significant blow to the police. The blow they hope will ignite institutional reform.
The mayor of Minneapolis Jacob Frey rejected the protesters' demands. Strictly speaking, Frey said there would be no reduction in the Minneapolis Police Department budget.
US President Donald Trump also expressed strong rejection. For Trump, while protesters are adamant about demands for budget cuts, Trump has said he will maintain funding for the US police.
"There will be no cuts, no dismantling of our police," Trump said at the White House Monday, June 9.
"We want to make sure we don't have bad actors there. But 99 percent of them are great people and have done a record job," he added.

Furthermore, White House Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany said Trump was actually quite shocked by the protesters' demands. However, according to him, Trump is currently monitoring comprehensively the case of Floyd's death.
According to McEnany, the government has not made specific steps regarding Floyd's death, racism and police abuse so far. But, what McEnany emphasized, Trump is not blind.
Trump did not turn a blind eye to the fact that racism was perpetrated by the police. However, according to McEnany, Trump needs to see the police as a complete state institution, not as reflected in the behavior of individuals.
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