JAKARTA - Officials at the Ministry of Religion expressed their condolences for the death of the Chancellor of the Institute of Al-Quran Science (IIQ) Prof. Dr. Hj. Huzaemah Tahido Yanggo who died after fighting against COVID-19. According to the Secretary of the Directorate General of Islamic Guidance at the Ministry of Religion, M. Fuad Nasardan, the deceased is considered a Muslim scholar who should be followed by an example.

"Mrs. Huzaemah according to her scientific capacity has made her best contribution to the campus environment and the ulama assembly. An intellectual woman who can be used as an example for the younger generation," said M. Fuad Nasar when confirmed from Jakarta, Friday, July 23.

Huzaemah, who once served as Chair of the MUI for Fatwa, died at Serang Hospital, Banten Province, on Friday, July 23 after battling COVID-19.

According to Fuad, his contribution to science cannot be underestimated. She became one of the women who graduated from the doctoral program (S3) at Al-Azhar University, Egypt, with cum laude predicate.

At that time, he said, the stigma against women was still considered impossible to be able to move forward in the field of education so strongly. But Huzaemah was able to break down those boundaries, even being able to get the best predicate at the notoriously difficult university.

"After Mrs. Prof. Dr. Hj. Zakiah Daradjat, the first Indonesian female cleric to complete her education in the Middle East, namely S2 and S3 at Ein Shams University, Faculty of Education Mental Hygiene Department in Cairo, Egypt, as far as I know the leading Indonesian female ulema graduates from Al Azhar Egypt are Prof. Dr. Hj. Huzaemah Tahido Yanggo," said Fuad.

According to Fuad, many of his knowledges have become references and discourses for other scholars in Indonesia. Therefore, it is not wrong to include Huzaemah as one of the examples of scholarship.

"Mrs. Huzaemah according to her scientific capacity has made her best contribution to the campus environment and the ulama assembly. An intellectual woman who can be used as an example for the younger generation," he said.

Rektor Institut Ilmu Al Quran (IIQ) Prof Dr Huzaemah Tahido Yanggo yang juga Ketua Bidang Fatwa MUI periode 2015-2020. (Antara)
The Chancellor of the Institute of Al-Quran Science (IIQ) Prof. Dr. Huzaemah Tahido Yanggo who is also the Head of the MUI Fatwa Division for the 2015-2020 period. (Between)

Besides being known as the Chair of the MUI Fatwa Commission, the late Huzaemah Tahido Yanggo was also the Chancellor of the Institute of Al-Qur'an Science (IIQ) and Professor of UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta. In addition, Huzaemah has also been a member of the Sharia Supervisory Board at Bank Niaga Syariah in 2004 and the Chairman of the Sharia Supervisory Board at Takaful Insurance Great Eastern.

A number of ideas have been spawned by Huzaemah Tahido Yanggo who died due to COVID-19, in several books he wrote, such as "Introduction to Comparative Schools" (2003), "Masail Fiqhiyah: Contemporary Islamic Law Studies" (2005), and "Contemporary Women's Jurisprudence". " (2010).

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