JAKARTA - The Supervisory Board of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) has discontinued the report filed by Novel Baswedan et al against one of its members, Indriyanto Seno Aji. This decision was taken because there was not enough evidence to bring this alleged ethical violation to trial.

KPK Council member Indriyanto Seno Aji was reported for allegedly violating the code of ethics. This violation occurred when he was present at a press conference to announce the results of the National Insight Test Assessment (TWK) and when giving information to a number of media regarding the implementation of tests which were a condition for the transfer of employment status.

"The four of us, not including Mr. ISA because he was the one who was reported, by deliberation and consensus stated that the actions carried out by ISA's brother as reported for alleged violations of the code of ethics and behavior were not sufficient evidence so that they did not meet the requirements to proceed to the ethics trial," said the Chairman of the Supervisory Board. The KPK Tumpak Hatorangan Panggabean in a press conference held online, Friday, July 23.

The KPK Council has examined a number of witnesses such as KPK Chairman Firli Bahuri, KPK Deputy Chair Nurul Ghufron, KPK Secretary General Cahya Harefa, Acting KPK Spokesperson Ali Fikri. In addition, an examination was also carried out on the complainants, namely Giri Suprapdiono, Novel Baswedan, and Dewa Ayu Kartika and the reported party Indriyanto.

Regarding Indriyanto's presence at the announcement press conference on May 5, Tumpak said this was done after obtaining approval from the KPK Council. The invitation was submitted by the KPK leadership.

"The presence of the press conference as a follow-up to the TWK meeting based on the invitation of the KPK leadership, the conference material concerns the organization and institutions of the KPK, so it is necessary to attend the council in accordance with Article 21 of the KPK Law, namely the council, leadership, and the secretary general as representatives of the supervisors," he said.

Meanwhile, regarding Indriyanto's statement which said TWK was a reasonable legal process, the KPK Council considered it a personal opinion and this did not violate the rules.

Because in the KPK Council Decree Number 1 of 2020 concerning Governance for the Implementation of the Duties of the Council, it is regulated that each member can provide information related to their duties openly to the press by paying attention to providing information that is not detrimental to the institution.

"On May 13, it is true, brother ISA is in the facility as a person and is not in the task of providing a normative opinion," explained Tumpak.

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