JAKARTA - The Solo City Government, Central Java, has prepared two centralized isolation places specifically for COVID-19 patients with mild symptoms so that treatment for accelerated healing is more focused.

Surakarta Police Chief Kombes Ade Safri Simanjuntak on the sidelines of checking the final preparations for isolation, said the two places, namely the Panularan 6 Laweyan Elementary School and Cemara 2 Banjasari Elementary School.

"SDN Panularan 6 Laweyan has just been prepared with a capacity of 100 beds, while SDN Cemara 2 has previously used centralized isolation for people without symptoms (OTG), but now the building with a capacity of 130 beds has been converted to symptomatic patients. light," he said, quoted by Antara, Thursday, July 22.

He said that so far, COVID-19 OTG patients were isolated centrally in the Haji Donohudan Dormitory. Patients with severe conditions were taken to a COVID-19 referral hospital. Hospital burden is only the focus of heavy patients.

For patients with mild symptoms, he said, until now there is no solution for isolation. The results of the Surakarta City Forkompimda meeting have decided to prepare two centralized isolation places for patients with mild symptoms.

"We hope that with the existence of a centralized isolation treatment place for patients with mild symptoms, first the effectiveness of the 'treatment' (treatment) carried out on patients is more effective to accelerate their recovery," he said.

In addition, he said, separating sick patients from healthy ones in residential areas so that the chain of spreading COVID-9 could be broken immediately.

"So the 'treatment' that we do for people without symptoms, with mild or moderate to severe symptoms, can be maximized and hospital treatment is not too heavy," he said.

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