JAKARTA - Inactive Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) employee Ita Khoiriyah or Tata said he had not submitted a letter of willingness to participate in the National Defense and National Insight Education and Training.

He is one of 24 employees who can still be fostered after failing to pass the National Insight Test (TWK). Tata reasoned that he was still waiting for the results of the TWK which until now had not been provided by the KPK.

"I only want to submit the letter if I have been given access to TWK information and the results have resulted in me being declared Unqualified (TMS)," he wrote via Twitter @tatakhoiriyah quoted Thursday, July 22.

According to Tata, the leadership, secretary general and human resources of the KPK often ask if they are willing to be fostered. However, he often emphasized that the question would be answered when the request for TWK results was responded to.

Finally, on Monday, July 19, Tata met with the Deputy Chairman of the KPK, Nurul Ghufron. During the meeting, he was again asked if he was willing to participate in the National Defense and National Insight Education and Training. However, Tata still gave the same answer, namely asking for the results of the TWK.

"Finally, the leadership promised access to the resume of TWK results at least on Wednesday. Instead, I submitted a statement letter," he said.

The next meeting with Ghufron took place on Wednesday, July 21 yesterday. At that time, Tata asked about the realization of the promise at the previous meeting, namely the results of the TWK which made him not pass so he had to be deactivated.

"It turned out that he said that he had coordinated with BKN but this is confidential information. It only explained what indicators made it not pass," he said.

In addition, Ghufron also mentioned the difficulty of fighting for KPK employees in the process of transferring status as State Civil Apparatus (ASN). So, he hopes that 24 employees who are declared not qualified will join all of them.

"KPK is like a ship that is almost sinking and its employees are likened to its crew," said Tata.

During the meeting, Tata had an argument with Ghufron. At that time, Ghufron asked if he did not believe in the leadership and was answered no.

"No, sir. I still remember the TWK socialization asking if there was a mechanism for failure in its implementation? Only given a motivational answer. In the current situation I can't believe in coaching without the good faith of the institution," Tata wrote, imitating his answer.

"How can I believe that the coaching that has an evaluation with a minimum score limit is carried out transparently and can be accounted for if the KPK doesn't want to reveal the results of my TWK personally," he added.

Feeling not getting an answer, Tata then ended his discussion with Ghufron. He also did not submit the requested affidavit until his request was fulfilled.

However, Tata regrets that he did not directly ask Ghufron regarding the results of the examination by the Indonesian Ombudsman for alleged maladministration of TWK.

"I regret that I haven't heard the Ombudsman's press conference on the LHA and the conclusions of the 75 employees' reports which stated that a number of maladministration had been found, before meeting with the leadership," he said.

"If I have read it, I want to ask him directly regarding the maladministration," he added.

It was previously reported that 18 of the 24 KPK employees who were declared not to have passed the TWK were participating in the 40-day National Defense and National Insight Education and Training at the Indonesian Defense University, Bogor.

However, at the same time the Ombudsman stated that he found maladministration in the TWK assessment process for KPK employees.

One of them is related to changing the date or back date of the memorandum of understanding for the procurement of goods and services through self-management and self-management contracts in the implementation of the TWK of KPK employees. This memorandum of understanding was signed by the KPK and the State Civil Service Agency (BKN).

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