JAKARTA - Constitutional Court Justice (MK) Enny Nurbaningsih asked the parties in the trial of the Election Result Dispute (dispute) for the Governor of South Kalimantan to provide more detailed evidence as possible. This lawsuit was filed by Denny Indrayana.

"Reminding all parties fairly that this is a concrete case, the evidence must be as detailed as possible, as complete as possible," said Enny during the South Kalimantan regional election dispute trial with a preliminary examination agenda at the Constitutional Court building, Jakarta, Wednesday, July 19.

This was conveyed by Enny after listening to the main points of the petition from the applicant. namely the pair of candidates for governor and deputy governor Denny Indrayana and Difriadi who were read out by attorneys Bambang Widjojanto and Heru Widodo.

In the main reading of the petition, Bambang Wijayanto emphasized the substance and evidence and mentioned several allegations of fraud that affected the vote acquisition in the re-voting (PSU) for the 2020 South Kalimantan Governor and Deputy Governor Elections on June 9, 2021.

Previously, the Denny Indrayana and Difriadi camps again filed a dispute over the results of the PSU for the Election of the Governor and Deputy Governor of South Kalimantan to the Constitutional Court (MK) on June 21.

Meanwhile, in the trial, Enny also asked the applicant, the respondent, and related parties to complete the evidence before the trial was over.

The trial was chaired by Constitutional Justice Aswanto who was accompanied by Arief Hidayat and Enny Nurbaningsih and presented applicants from Denny Indrayana and Difriadi, and the defendants namely KPU and Bawaslu, and related parties namely Denny-Difriadi's opponent in the South Kalimantan gubernatorial election, Sahbirin Noor-Muhidin.

The next trial regarding the dispute over the results of the South Kalimantan gubernatorial election has been postponed until Friday, July 23.

"For the next trial, we will postpone this case until Friday at 09.00 WIB," said Aswanto.

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