JAYAPURA - The increase in positive cases in a number of areas continues to be worrying. In Jayapura, now a number of hospitals handling COVID-19 cases are starting to experience an oxygen crisis due to limited supplies.

"It is true that most hospitals are experiencing a crisis of much-needed oxygen, especially COVID-19 patients," said Jayapura City COVID-19 Prevention and Handling Task Force spokesman, Dr. Nyoman Antari to Antara, Tuesday 20 July.

In addition to the oxygen crisis, the rooms for treating COVID-19 patients are also running low, due to a surge in residents infected with COVID-19.

As a result, many patients are forced to be treated in tents or outside the emergency room while waiting for the availability of beds in the treatment room.

Director of the Provita Hospital, Dr. Fransca, admitted that as of Sunday, July 18 evening, there were only 26 oxygen cylinders left while currently treating 44 patients.

"We cannot refuse patients who come, but officers have been asked to inform the hospital's conditions," said drg Fransca.

The Director of Dian Harapan Hospital, dr. Ance Situmorang, said that he currently only has 15 tubes.

even though there are 50 COVID-19 patients being treated, including 12 who are being treated in tents due to limited space, said Dr. Ance Situmorang.

Deputy Director of the Jayapura Hospital, dr. Silwanus Sumule separately admitted that his hospital was also experiencing an oxygen crisis due to the surge in COVID-19 patients.

according to dr. Sumule, on Tuesday afternoon, July 20, on the sidelines of his working visit to the Jayapura Regional Hospital, Papua Police Chief Inspector General Mathius Fakhiri helped 120 oxygen cylinders.

The Jayapura City COVID-19 Prevention and Handling Task Force revealed, as of Monday, July 9, there were 972 people being treated for COVID-19 positive, 197 of whom were being treated at the Kotaraja LPMP.

Cumulatively, 10,453 positive people were recorded, 9,278 recovered and 972 died.

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