JAKARTA - Polda Metro Jaya revealed a fraud case with the online registration mode for recipients of social assistance (bansos) from the Ministry of Social Affairs (Kemensos).

The perpetrators made a website using the name of the Ministry of Social Affairs. From this website, the perpetrator opens as if residents can register as recipients of the Emergency PPKM Social Assistance. The way they spread to the public through social media.

"Accounts circulating on social media. The account is in the form of a chain message for registration of PPKM social assistance worth Rp. 300 thousand," said Head of Public Relations of the Polda Metro Jaya Kombes Yusri Yunus to reporters, Monday, June 19.

According to Yusri, many people are tricked into registering themselves as recipients of social assistance on websites that have been distributed in chain messages.

Until finally, the crime of fraud was revealed when the Ministry of Social Affairs made a report on July 12. The perpetrator with the initials RR was arrested.

"Krimsus conducted an investigation through an existing account, succeeded in bringing the suspect RR into custody, who was later secured," said Yusri.

From the results of the examination, said Yusri, the fake website was created in 2020. He deliberately made it to profit from advertising.

"So this perpetrator made a hoax on an account where to be able to take advantage by creating a fake account. Then offering the PPKM social assistance issued and using the Ministry of Social logo. He reaped from existing advertisements, as long as he worked he made a profit of IDR 1.5 billion," he said. Yusri.

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