JAKARTA - The opening of places of worship along with the easing of the Large-Scale Social Restrictions (PSBB) regulations has created new problems. Especially for Islam, the problem that arises is the debate regarding the density of saf or lines when praying in congregation.

For Muslims when praying in touch, saf must have a meeting or not be at a distance. But in the midst of the midst of COVID-19, this is not recommended. Because, there is the potential for transmission of the COVID-19 virus.

Thus, in carrying out congregational prayers, saf must be set about one meter apart. However, this also had an impact on the congregation's expansion, especially when carrying out Friday prayers.

Secretary General of the Central Executive of the Indonesian Mosque Council, Imam Addaruqutni, said the way that could be done was to make two waves of Friday prayers. So, the COVID-19 prevention protocol can run without reducing preoccupation in worship.

In its implementation, the mosque management will organize the implementation of Friday prayers. So, when the first wave was completed, then the second wave entered the mosque to worship.

"It was arranged there, that after the first wave, the preacher and the Imam and congregation had finished the two roads," said Imam at Graha BNPB, Jakarta, Friday, May 5.

The timing of Friday prayers, said Imam, can be done in advance. For example, mosque administrators can make leaflets or information related to the implementation time. So, people can choose the time they think is best.

Then, the duration for performing Friday prayers should also be regulated. So, in the implementation of the second wave the time is not too tight. This can be done by asking the preacher not to give lectures too long.

"We also convey to the areas where the mosque might issue some kind of pamphlet or announcement of this mosque because there is a covit and an emergency to carry out two waves. The first wave is so much that the sermon should not be too long," said Imam.

MUI fatwa

Imam continued, the implementation of the sif system in conducting Friday prayers had actually been conveyed by the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI). Fatwa Number 31 of 2020 concerning holding Friday prayers and congregations to prevent the transmission of the COVID-19 corona virus outbreak, is the guide and guideline.

"The central MUI yesterday issued it (fatwa) (two batches) but at home it is also permissible. DKI Jakarta even allowed it on June 2, but in 2001 it was also issued," said Imam.

It's just that, because of the lack of socialization and understanding regarding the fatwa, there has been a debate in the community. Even though all of them already have guidelines for carrying out Friday prayers.

"So this is what is also uneven, what is the understanding and also whether the socialization of this fatwa is not evenly distributed or not, eating became a problem," concluded Imam.

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