JAKARTA - The management of the Al Azhar Grand Mosque, South Jakarta, applies strict health protocols (prokes) to prevent transmission of COVID-19 when slaughtering sacrificial animals. "Officers must wear masks and before entering the mosque environment their body temperature is measured, if the temperature is high we do not allow it to participate. slaughtering," said Head of the Al Azhar Iding Great Mosque Office in Jakarta, as reported by Antara, Monday, July 19. According to him, the slaughtering will be carried out in an open area, namely in the mosque field which is planned to be carried out by around 30 mosque officials including the assistance of a number of butchers. Based on data collected by mosque administrators until Sunday evening, July 18, the number of sacrificial animals reached eight cows and 20 goats. The number of sacrificial animals is estimated to continue to increase before Eid. To stop the spread of COVID-19, mosque administrators also do not invite the public to take sacrificial meat but distribution is carried out through a number of committees in the Jakarta, Bogor, Depok, Tangerang and Bekasi (Jabodetabek) areas. held the distribution of sacrificial meat at the mosque but we worked closely with the committee around the Jabodetabek area," he said.

For the implementation of the Eid prayer, mosque administrators have also omitted it to stop the transmission of COVID-19. He appealed to Muslims to carry out worship in their respective homes. "Later on Eid al-Adha the mosque will be empty, there will be no prayer. This follows the circular of the Minister of Religion and at the same time cuts off the transmission of COVID-19," he said. Minister of Religion Yaqut Cholil Qoumas has issued a circular regarding restrictions on religious activities in places of worship are observing the surge in COVID-19 cases, including in Jakarta which is in the red zone. Circular (SE) 13 of 2021 concerning Restrictions on the Implementation of Religious Activities in Houses of Worship issued on Wednesday (16/6) regulates the implementation of worship in places of worship. during the COVID-19 pandemic. The circular, among others, contains the elimination of religious activities in the red zone area.

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