JAKARTA - DKI Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan officially extends the Large-Scale Social Restrictions (PSBB) period in Jakarta starting tomorrow, June 5 until an undetermined time. However, this phase four PSBB is a transitional phase.

So, during June, Jakarta still imposed restrictions by implementing the COVID-19 prevention protocol, but by easing it. The goal is that people can do activities to fulfill their daily needs.

"The DKI Handling Acceleration Task Force has decided to extend the status of PSBB in DKI and set June as a transitional period. We are making a transition from massive restrictions to a safe, healthy and productive condition," said Anies at the City Hall of DKI, Central Jakarta, Thursday, June 4th.

The transition period for the first phase begins with the relaxation on two principles. First, only on activities that have great benefits for the community, second, looking at the effects of controlled risks.

"We hope that this first phase can be completed by the end of this June. If we pass the June phase well and what that means, there is no significant increase in cases, all the indicators we mentioned show stability, then we can. into the second phase, "explained Anies.

Social and cultural activities

Anies allows all social and cultural activities with a few notes. First, the number of people must be less than 50 percent of the capacity of the place or space. Second, always implement COVID-19 prevention protocols, such as maintaining a safe distance between people of 1 meter, wearing a mask, and always washing hands with soap.

The details, outdoor sports facilities can operate starting June 5. Meanwhile, museums, galleries, libraries, parks, RPTRA, and beaches will be open from Monday, June 8.


Starting tomorrow, all offices may operate at a reduction of 50 percent of employees. Half of the employees are allowed to work in the office, while the other half are allowed to work from home.

Then, Anies asked the company to split the work hours of its employees. For example, half of the employees arrive at work at 07.00 WIB, while others arrive at 09.00 WIB. This is to reduce the density of queues for elevators for offices in tall buildings.

"This is regulated by each office. Of those who work, we require that we divide at least two shifts," said Anies.

Place of business

All types of business premises will be opened gradually starting on June 8. On Monday, June 8, the places of business that may be opened are restaurants (independent), industry, warehousing, shops, workshops, services, photocopies, and other supporting services. Meanwhile, on Saturday, June 13, MSMEs under the guidance of the DKI Provincial Government may be opened.

Then, on June 15, Anies only allowed the opening of markets, malls and shopping centers other than those that provide food. All these places are allowed to only accommodate 50 percent of the total existing capacity.

Worship place

Routine worship activities in places of worship have begun to be allowed the next day. With a note, the implementation of worship activities must apply physical distancing protocols. Anies also gave a special appeal to Muslims. He asked the congregation to bring their own prayer equipment.

"Each congregation must bring their own prayer equipment to ensure there is no transmission. This is because mosques and prayer rooms have provisions not to use carpets or rugs," said Anies.

Then, Anies reminded, for Muslims who want to worship in a mosque or prayer room not to leave their sandals or shoes in the day care. He suggested that you wrap your shoes or sandals in a plastic bag and put them inside.

"Likewise, you have to bring your own footwear. This is the same as in Mecca and Medina. A place to leave sandals and shoes is a potential crowd of crowds," he said.


Starting tomorrow, all public vehicles can resume operations with a 50 percent storage capacity. "The MRT and Transjakarta will operate with normal hours with short headways, but the carriage capacity is only 50 percent. The waiting place is made with a minimum queue distance of 1 meter," said Anies.

In private vehicles, motorbikes and cars are allowed to carry 100 percent of the capacity provided that all are one family. Meanwhile, in general, private vehicles can only accommodate 50 percent.

Then, Anies allowed base ojek or online ojek to operate starting Monday, June 8.


School opening is not included in the PSBB transitional period. Anies decided that teaching and learning in schools would not start until conditions were safe.

"So, if the conditions are still not considered safe, we haven't done teaching and learning activities," he said.

The DKI Provincial Government has indeed issued an academic calendar for the 2020-2021 academic year starting on July 13. However, said Anies, learning activities were still carried out from their respective homes.

"Don't let anyone think that the school year is the same as studying in school. These are two different things, because the fiscal year cycle of the school year is related to teaching and learning activities both at home and at school," he said.

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