MEDAN - Joint personnel patrolling Medan's emergency PPKM raids. The team caught dozens of children and teenagers playing PlayStation games in a shophouse on Jalan Alfalah Raya, Medan Timur District.

"During the raid, the Emergency PPKM Gakkum (law enforcement) team found a game stall that was still open during the emergency PPKM. At that location we found dozens of children and teenagers playing games," said East Medan Police Chief Kompol M Arifin, Friday, July 16. .

Because they are still determined to open their business, said Arifin, game shop owners were forced to get sanctions for opening a business during an emergency PPKM.

"Previously, we have received advice not to open shops during emergency PPKM," he explained.

According to Kompol Arifin, the owner of the game business was immediately held on the spot.

"We are accompanied to the emergency PPKM post to undergo a trial," he said.

During the raid in the jurisdiction of the Medan Timur Police, the Gakkum team also took action in the form of a warning to nine business actors who were still determined to open their outlets.

"So a total of 10 business actors that we encountered are still opening their shops. We have reprimanded nine business actors and one has taken a trial," said Kompol Arifin.

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