JAKARTA - The Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) prohibits the implementation of two batches of Friday prayers in one mosque. MUI's Taujihat regarding Friday Prayers were held again during the COVID-19 event throughout Indonesia.

Based on the results of the study, the head of the MUI's religious harmony division, Yusnar Yusuf, stated that the implementation of two batches of Friday prayers at the same place at different times is not legal, even though there is udzur syar'i (a legally justified reason).

"The law of origin of Friday prayers is once and only done in one mosque in each area and it is carried out immediately without delay," said Yusnar in a video conference with journalists, Thursday, June 4.

That way, congregants who arrive late and cannot carry out Friday prayers because their capacity is full are only required to perform the midday prayer. This provision can be made during the COVID-19 period, in accordance with the MUI Fatwa Number 5 of 2020.

In addition, an alternative to anticipating mosque congestion can be done by establishing Friday prayers in other possible places such as prayer rooms, halls, sports buildings, stadiums, and the like.

"This Taujihat appears because the fatwa is still relevant and brings the most benefit to answering problems that arise today," said Yusnar.

The reason is that the Friday prayers in Indonesia cannot be done in two waves

Yusuf's statement regarding the ban on two batches of Friday prayers becomes a denial to those who allow the implementation of Friday prayers more than once in a mosque.

This acquisition was done to accommodate all congregations. This is because they must follow the current implementation adjustments with the provisions of implementing physical distancing.

Yusnar Yusuf continued, the opinion of the ulama stating that it is permissible for two or more batches of Friday prayers in one place is irrelevant to be implemented in Indonesia, because it has several reasons.

First, this opinion is based on weak sharia arguments and contradicts the opinion of the majority (jumhur) of the scholars. Second, if anyone allows it, it happens in European countries, America and Australia.

"This does not mean that it can be used as an argument to be applied in Indonesia because the situation and conditions are different. Because, in these countries, Muslims are a minority and it is very difficult to get a place permit to perform Friday prayers.

In addition, in a country with a small number of Muslims, there is no other alternative for them but to hold Friday prayers in waves in the same place due to limited space.

"This condition is categorized as an urgent need. Such a thing does not happen in Indonesia, because Muslims have the freedom to establish Friday prayers in any place where it is possible to establish Friday prayers," he concluded.

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