JAKARTA - Deputy Chairperson of the DKI DPRD, Zita Anjani, asked DKI Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan to accelerate the distribution of cash social assistance (BST) to around 1 million beneficiary families (KPM).

This is because the government has promised that BST will be given during the implementation of emergency PPKM. However, unfortunately, assistance has not been provided until 14 days of the implementation of the current Emergency PPKM.

"People really need BST from the government to finance their lives, because there are still many KPMs who have not returned to work and have income due to the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, plus currently PPKM is Emergency," Zita told reporters, Friday, July 16.

However, Zita appreciated the DKI Provincial Government's policy of pouring out a budget of Rp. 623 billion. This budget is the result of refocusing or shifting the budget from other programs.

Meanwhile, 700 thousand other families will be the responsibility of the central government. This is because DKI is unable to provide BST for all residents who are included in the list of recipients.

"The PAN faction also hopes that the distribution of BST will continue on an ongoing basis until the economic situation improves and the pandemic ends. Because this BST can also withstand the surge in poverty in Jakarta," said Zita.

The DKI Provincial Government provides the latest news regarding the disbursement of cash social assistance (BST) during Emergency PPKM. The BST from the DKI Provincial Government is rumored to be disbursed in the third week of July.

"The BST funds will be sent directly to the account of the BST recipient around the 3rd week of July 2021," wrote a statement on the corona.jakarta.go.id page.

The DKI Provincial Government has prepared a budget of Rp623 billion to be distributed to 1,007,379 beneficiary families (KPM). The distribution of BST from the Provincial Government is carried out through a DKI Bank account.

Residents who receive BST are registered as recipients of the 2020 basic food social assistance as a result of updating and matching the DKI Jakarta Provincial Disdukcapil data.

"Recipients do not include recipients of social assistance programs for the family of hope (PKH) and/or non-cash food assistance (BPNT)," the statement said.

The assistance that will be distributed through Bank DKI is IDR 300 thousand per month in the period of May and June. Based on the government's plan, the delivery of BST will be done all at once, so that residents immediately receive Rp600 thousand. Meanwhile, BST from the central government, namely the Ministry of Social Affairs, is distributed through PT Pos Indonesia.

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