JAKARTA - Spokesperson for the COVID-19 Task Force, Wiku Adisasmito, said that the government has opened psychological assistance services for people who experience psychological disorders due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Wiku said that the public could access the Mental Health application from the Ministry of Health or call the hotline 119 ext 8 for psychiatric consultation.

"Therefore, the government has partnered with several other organizations, including the Indonesian Psychological Association, to invite the public to take advantage of Mental Health or Mental Health services by calling the hotline 119 ext 8," said Wiku in a virtual press conference, Thursday, July 15.

Wiku said that this service was created because the government realized that there were several people whose mental conditions were affected during the pandemic and their mobility was limited.

They, said Wiku, need psychological assistance due to the social and economic pressures caused by the pandemic.

"This facility will provide psychological services for complaints such as concerns, anxiety, fear, or stress directly from the experts and is expected to be able to help the community to become healthy as a whole," said Wiku.

In addition, the government has also begun to distribute 300 thousand packages of medicine along with free vitamins for COVID-19 self-isolation patients specifically for the islands of Java and Bali.

In the distribution of this drug, this distribution will be coordinated by Hadi. Then, it will coordinate with the local government to the village government, which will also involve the puskesmas, Babinsa and RT-RW administrators.

President Joko Widodo emphasized that the 300,000 packages of drugs he distributed were not for sale. "This self-isolation drug package is not for sale. The supply is prepared by the SOE Minister, which is produced by a pharmaceutical BUMN," said Jokowi.

Of the 300 thousand packages of drugs and vitamins distributed, the government divided them into three packages, namely package 1 containing vitamins for residents with positive asymptomatic PCR (polymerase chain reaction) results or OTG.

Package 2 contains vitamins and medicine for residents with positive PCR with complaints of fever and loss of smell. The last 3 packages contain vitamins and medicine for residents with positive PCR with complaints of fever and dry cough.

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