BANDARLAMPUNG - Central Lampung Deputy Regent Ardito Wijaya was questioned at the Lampung Police regarding a viral video of him that was deemed to have violated health protocols (prokes) during the COVID-19 pandemic.

"As part of the community, I was summoned by the police and cooperatively came to fulfill the summons," said Ardito, after undergoing an examination at the Lampung Regional Police, Bandarlampung, quoted by Antara, Wednesday, July 14.

He said that during his examination, 25 questions were questioned by investigators from the Tipidter Sub-Directorate of the Ditreskrimsus Lampung Police.

"Earlier, it was examined from 10.00 WIB to 17.10 WIB, about 25 questions were asked regarding my video which was viral at that time. I came alone and have not used a legal representative," he said.

Ardito admitted that he did not know whether there would be a follow-up call. But he will remain cooperative if there is a further call from the police.

Ardito explained that the viral video that was spread on social media was taken when he was attending one of the celebrations of the residents of Central Lampung Regency.

"At that time there were six invitations at home, and I did go to all of them, and at that time even though there was a Prokes Regional Regulation, but celebrations were still allowed with restrictions," he continued.

Meanwhile, the Director of Special Crimes at the Lampung Police, Kombes Ari Rachman Nafarin, revealed that after conducting an examination of the reported party, his party will schedule a case against the viral video case of the Central Lampung Vice Regent, which is suspected of violating the prokes.

"But before that, we will discuss again whether the elements of the crime were fulfilled or not," he said.

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