JAKARTA - Gerindra Party politician, Arief Poyuono, reminded President Joko Widodo and Coordinating Minister for Maritime Affairs and Investment, Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan, that power should not be used to threaten.

"Power is not to threaten, silence the voices of criticism from the public, let alone to use power to ensnare critical members of the community", Arief said in his statement, Wednesday, July 14.

Arief also reminded Jokowi and Luhut not to be judged by the authorities who had just stepped down from their positions. Because during their tenure, both of them had made threats.

According to the former deputy governor of Gerindra, criticism cannot be silenced while critics cannot receive threats. However, said Arief, the criticism must be based on facts and be able to present a solution.

"All criticism must be for the good of the community. This is important so that there is no mutual hatred in the community who follows criticism of the Jokowi government", said Arief.

Arief admitted that the current Jokowi government was lagging in dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic. But he said, that doesn't mean the government isn't doing anything and isn't worried about an emergency.

"How can you not panic, where the handling of the handling of people affected by COVID is not well served, hospitals are full, oxygen is lacking and not available", he said.

Moreover, Arief added, there is a discourse on the Emergency Restrictions on Community Activities (PPKM) being extended by 6 weeks. This policy may potentially hamper and even damage the national economy.

For this reason, Arief invites all parties to help each other in dealing with the pandemic that has been running for more than a year.

"Now is the time for us to work hand in hand, to do what we can to save the nation and state", said Arief.

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