SURABAYA - Mayor of Surabaya, Eri Cahyadi innovates to increase the capacity of emergency services to its citizens. Most recently, Eri Cahyadi modified the official vehicle belonging to the Surabaya City Government ranks into a hearse.

"Our official car has become a hearse. That's why we open a 24-hour puskesmas because there are many cars," said Eri Cahyadi, in Surabaya, Wednesday, July 14.

Eri Cahyadi emphasized that he would do his best to increase the capacity of emergency services for its citizens. Moreover, the number of hearses owned by the Surabaya City Government is currently limited.

"The existing ones (modified) are about 14 units. Because our target is around 30 units. We will add more later. If necessary, we will add more," he said.

Meanwhile, the Head of the Surabaya City Asset Procurement and Management Service, Noer Oemarijati, explained that currently there are 14 official vehicles that have been modified for use for hearses. The vehicle was previously an operational car owned by several PDs within the municipal government.

"There are 14 units of PD operational service vehicles that are used for this hearse. So there are several PD cars that we use," said Noer.

DOK Surabaya City Government

However, Noer said the official vehicle used by this hearse certainly has specifications. One of them is the condition of the vehicle used must be roadworthy.

"So we do have the specifications. Because the PD who owns the panther vehicle is indeed in a proper condition to use for a hearse," he said.

Previously, this hearse was used as an operational vehicle for carrying out activities. For example, it belongs to the Surabaya Public Housing and Settlement Area, Cipta Karya and Spatial Planning (DPRKP - CKTR) Office which was previously used for field operations.

"This used to be an operational vehicle. So it is for friends to carry out activities in the field," continued Noer.

Noer stated that currently they are still checking other vehicles belonging to PD that can be used. Of course, this vehicle is prepared to add to the hearse fleet. He targets at least 30 hearses to be prepared to support emergency services in Surabaya.

"Later we will check the official vehicles again. Then if for example we need service, we will service it first so that it can be used. According to the direction of the Mayor, we will allocate 30 units for hearses. For those that have been modified, there are 14 units, " he said.

Noer said this car was specially prepared for COVID-19 bodies. So that the modification of the car is arranged by prioritizing security so that the drivers feel comfortable and safe.

"This is specifically for COVID-19 corpses. So why do we give a partition? For the safety of the drivers, even though they already wear hazmats, it's even safer if we give them," he concluded

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