PALU - After trying to evacuate for three days, two bodies of the Poso East Indonesia Mujahidin Wanted List (DPO) arrived at Bhayangkara Hospital in Palu.

The two bodies of suspected Poso terrorists were taken by helicopter from Parigi Moutong Regency, Central Sulawesi to the Central Sulawesi Police Headquarters.

After that, the bodies were taken using two ambulance units belonging to the Central Sulawesi Regional Police and under strict police guard.

Quoted from Antara, Wednesday, July 14, the area of the Bhayangkara Palu Hospital was also sterilized and heavily guarded by fully armed police.

Journalists were also not allowed to approach the morgue, where the two bodies of the MIT Poso DPO were carried out for autopsies and identification.

Previously, Head of the Madago Raya Operations Public Relations Task Force Kombes Police Didik Supranoto said that unfavorable terrain and weather conditions made it difficult to evacuate the two MIT Poso DPOs from the mountains in Parigi Moutong Regency, Central Sulawesi.

"The terrain is tough and the weather is foggy, making it difficult to evacuate by helicopter to the Bhayangkara Hamlet Hospital in Palu for an autopsy and identification," said Didik on Tuesday, July 13.

Previously, on Sunday, July 11 at around 03.30 WITA, there was a gun battle between the Madago Raya Task Force and the Poso MIT DPO which resulted in two suspected Poso terrorists being shot and killed.

This shootout began with the intelligence task force's information about the sightings of five people suspected of being Poso terrorists. The task force then intensified the search by tracing the existing tracks.

After confirming that it was the perpetrator, the team immediately took measured decisive action until the two suspected Poso terrorists were killed.

Not only that, from the scene of the incident, the Madago Raya Task Force also secured evidence in the form of ammunition, rice cake bombs, compasses, and flags.

"Other perpetrators fled from the ambush attempt. However, there are indications of blood splatter which is thought to have come from the perpetrator who was shot," said Didik Supranoto.

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