Not Even Isolating, Helping Each Other's Food Supply For Isoman COVID-19 Must Be Real Action

SURABAYA - There are still incidents, people who are positive for COVID-19 are even ostracized and even 'expelled' from their homes. Instead, what must be done is to provide support, either by supplying food for residents who are self-isolating (isoman) due to COVID-19.

This concrete action was shown by a number of community elements holding social actions by providing food, fruit, honey, vitamins and masks to residents who were self-isolating in a number of areas in Surabaya, East Java.

"We are helping the needs of residents who cannot leave their homes because they are undergoing self-isolation," said Gusdurian Peduli representative Yuska Harimurti when handing over food aid to residents.

Apart from Gusdurian Peduli, this social activity caring for COVID-19 was also attended by other elements of society such as the Jogoboyo Community, the Indonesian Employee Community in Perth, Australia and other elements.

They carried out their social actions in the areas of Semelowaru, Kalimas, Lakarsantri, Kapasan and Wonokromo.

"Gotong royong is the main strength of the Indonesian nation in dealing with every problem, including the COVID-19 outbreak," he said.

In addition, Yuska explained that the social action that took the concept from residents for residents was also sent every day to residents who had registered with certain conditions.

"Today we can still serve 100 names. Of course this is still a limited quota with the hope that it will be implemented for a long period of time," he said.

Until now, there are several elements from various interfaiths who are committed to supporting the program for the implementation of this activity.

"Hopefully this can inspire other groups to be able to do the same thing. Let's take care of each other for Surabaya," he said.

Meanwhile, Surabaya Mayor Eri Cahyadi advised all City of Heroes residents to tighten health protocols (prokes), including reducing mobility. If it's not really important then you shouldn't have to leave the house.

Eri hopes that in a situation like the current situation, the entire community is united in obeying the rules so that the COVID-19 pandemic is expected to disappear from Surabaya soon.

"Please, this must stop immediately. I need the help of all citizens for commitment. Hopefully this pandemic storm will end soon, amen," he said.

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