JAKARTA - Deputy Chairperson of Commission IX of the House of Representatives, Melkiades Laka Lena, emphasized that his party would not refuse if the parliament building was converted into an emergency hospital for COVID-19 patients.

However, according to him, technical problems were found, such as inadequate elevators, rooms, and bathrooms. In fact, said Melki, a simulation has been carried out with the DPR RI leadership if the proposal is realized.

"The leadership of the DPR RI, the Secretary General of the DPR and several members have made a simulation if it is used as an emergency hospital. But the technical problems cannot be fixed," said Melki, Tuesday, July 13.

The solution, continued Melki, is that self-isolation places in the form of lodging or treatment rooms for patients without (mild) symptoms can be transferred to patients with moderate and severe symptoms.

Because, said the NTT legislator, the government has prepared telemedicine services or online-based medical care for COVID-19 patients without symptoms and mild symptoms.

"Actually, if it is in the OTG category (people without symptoms, ed) or mild, it is enough with health services by doctors and nurses at health centers around the house or by telemedicine," he explained

"We regret that this community has just been admitted to the hospital for this mild category. So that in the end our beds are full," said Melki.

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