YOGYAKARTA - The Indonesian Mosque Council (DMI) of Yogyakarta City has called for the implementation of Eid prayers at home with family members. This is done to prevent the spread of COVID-19 cases.

"Another provision that accompanies this call is the elimination of mobile takbirs because it has the potential to cause crowds in the midst of high cases," said Secretary of the Yogyakarta City Council of Indonesian Mosques Mohammad Sofyan as quoted by Antara, Tuesday, July 13.

The activity which is also expected to be held in a different way on Eid this year is related to the time of slaughtering the sacrificial animal which is usually done after the Eid prayer.

This year, the Yogyakarta City DMI appealed to the mosque takmir or the sacrificial festival committee to slaughter sacrificial animals on tasyrik days, namely 21, 22, and 23 July.

In line with DMI, the Yogyakarta City Government has also issued a Circular Letter from the Mayor of Yogyakarta Number 451/3419/SE/2021 regarding the implementation of Eid al-Adha worship during the Emergency PPKM period.

A number of provisions are regulated, namely eliminating mobile takbirs and replacing them with virtual takbirs from mosques or prayer rooms while still implementing strict health protocols.

"Only one or two people are allowed to take takbir at the mosque or prayer room," he said.

Likewise, Eid prayers in the field, mosques or prayer rooms and other public places are abolished and replaced with prayers in their respective homes.

"Slaughtering of sacrificial animals is not carried out on 10 Dzulhijah, but three days of tasyrik. It is better to slaughter them at the Giwangan RPH," said Yogyakarta Deputy Mayor Heroe Poerwadi.

If the sacrificial animal slaughter committee continues to carry out the slaughter independently, they are asked to apply for a permit to the Yogyakarta City Agriculture and Food Service or to the COVID-19 Task Force in the sub-district.

"Sacrificial animals must also meet health requirements, especially if they come from outside the region. This also applies to the sale of sacrificial animals, which must comply with hygiene provisions and health protocols," he said.

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