JAKARTA - DKI Jakarta Investment and One-Stop Integrated Services (DPMPTSP) has rejected around 14 thousand applications for a worker registration certificate (STRP) that is valid during Emergency Community Activity Restrictions (PPKM).

An STRP must be owned by workers in essential and critical sector companies who have to work outside the home during the Emergency PPKM period. The STRP is registered by the company.

"Based on this morning's data, a total of 14 thousand STRP applications were rejected", said DKI DPMPTSP Head Benni Agus Chandra in a short message, Tuesday, July 13.

Benni said that the STRP refusal proposed by the company generally occurred because the company did not yet have a business identification number (NIB), namely the identity of the business actor issued by the OSS Institution.

"Generally, STRP rejection by companies or collective workers is because the person in charge of the company cannot attach the NIB", said Benni.

In addition, refusal also occurred because after administrative research and technical licensing research were carried out, officers found that the application data was incomplete or could not be read by the system, such as inputting personal data with a typo.

Then, refusal also occurs because the document file is too large and the required documents have not been properly attached by the applicant.

"Applicants are advised to upload the required files with a maximum file size of 500KB for photo files and a maximum of 1 MB for pdf files", he said.

Meanwhile, to date, there have been 42.000 STRP applications that have been granted and issued. This application is made by a company representative. Benni said one application was made with an average of 10 employees.

"One application can cover 5 to 20 employees, with an average of 10 employees. So, the STRP issued has been for about 400 thousand people (employees)", said Benni.

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