JAKARTA - President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) asked that there be no more friction between TNI soldiers and Polri members in the future. "Sometimes we still hear news about friction between TNI soldiers and Polri members, in the future this is no longer allowed. This happens again, it must end," said President Jokowi, in the front yard of the Merdeka Palace, Jakarta, Tuesday. President Jokowi conveyed this at the Prasetya Perwira (Praspa) of the Indonesian National Army (TNI) and the Indonesian National Police (Polri) in 2021 which was held Virtually, but still presenting the best graduates from each of the military and police academies as representatives. The event was also attended by Vice President Ma'ruf Amin, Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs Mahfud MD, TNI Commander Marshal Hadi Tjahjanto, National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo, Army Chief of Staff (Kasad) General TNI Andika Perkasa, Navy Chief of Staff (Kasal) Admiral TNI Yudo Margono, Air Force Chief of Staff (Kasau) Marshal Fadjar Prasetyo and other relevant officials. must continue to coordinate, must work together for the interests of the nation, state and people of Indonesia," said President Jokowi.

Especially in an increasingly fierce world competition, the very central strength of the nation, according to President Jokowi, is unity and unity. "It is impossible for us to win the global competition if there is no strong synergy within the country. Social and cultural diversity must be utilized as strength and resources. inspiration," said the President. Thus, the President asked all components of the nation to unite to become an "Indonesia incorporated" that firmly competes in the global competition. "Therefore, I advise that government organizations must synergize and support each other, between the TNI and Polri, and other components of the nation must synergize with each other for the good and progress of the nation. More specifically, the members of the TNI and Polri institutions must synergize, work hand in hand in carrying out increasingly difficult tasks," the President emphasized. According to the President, the crisis due to the COVID-19 pandemic can strengthen the concern and mutual cooperation of the elements of the TNI and Polri." strengthen our unity and togetherness, accelerate efforts to improve the way we work, and also accelerate the development of our technology and industries," said the President. "And learn from this crisis to participate in strengthening togetherness based on Pancasila," said the President. A total of 700 young TNI and Polri officers were sworn in at the event. In details, 227 teenage officers graduated from the Military Academy, 101 young officers graduated from the Navy (AAL). ), 91 youth officers of the Air Force (AAU), and 281 youth officers who graduated from the Police Academy (Akpol).

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