JAKARTA - Bogor Regent Ade Yasin removed the head and two staff of the Situ Udik Health Center, Cibungbulang, Bogor Regency, West Java. This follows a viral video of them enjoying karaoke during working hours.

"Today, the head of Situ Udik Health Center and two staff who karaoke during work hours", said Ade Yasin when met after reviewing mass vaccinations in Cibinong, Bogor Regency, Monday, July 12.

The head of the Bogor Regency COVID-19 Handling Task Force has even given a direct warning when carrying out a sudden inspection at the location on Saturday, July 10.

"At first I wanted to confiscate the karaoke equipment, but the results of the inspection turned out not to use karaoke equipment, but a sound system (loudspeaker) to call patients.

Ade Yasin then straightened out the narrative circulating about the condition of pregnant patients who came to the Public Health Center when the staff was doing karaoke. According to him, the pregnant woman was not positive for COVID-19, but her video recorder was positive.

"There is a confusion of information, for the positive viral video recorder has been handled by the COVID-19 Task Force to Wisma Kemang for isolation", said Ade Yasin.

After inspecting the Situ Udik Health Center, he then apologized to the pregnant woman who was recorded on the video, by going directly to her house which was not far from the Public Health Center office.

On Friday, July 9, a 1-minute 43-second video circulated showing residents who were going to examine at the Situ Udik Health Center. One was declared antigen reactive and the other was a pregnant woman.

The residents wanted to do a health check from the Public Health Center, but unfortunately, the Situ Udik Health Center was closed with the sound of music allegedly doing karaoke inside the community health center.

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