JAKARTA - Chairman of the Indonesian Mosque Council (DMI) Jusuf Kalla appealed to residents of Jakarta and its surroundings not to perform prayers or other activities of Eid worship at mosques. The reason is that the capital city area is still a COVID-19 red zone.

"It's not allowed in Jakarta at all because it's a red zone," said Jusuf Kalla when reviewing mass vaccinations at the Central Indonesian Red Cross (PMI), quoted by Antara, Monday, July 12.

As for areas that are not included in the COVID-19 red zone, Kalla said Muslims can carry out Eid al-Adha worship at mosques on condition that they are not in congregation and strictly implement health protocols according to government regulations.

The Vice President of the Republic of Indonesia for the 2004-2009 and 2014-2019 periods added that in carrying out religious services, health protocols must continue to apply, including wearing masks, maintaining distance, washing hands, avoiding crowds, and limiting mobility.

For areas that are not in the COVID-19 red zone, he appealed for Eid to be carried out in the courtyard rather than in the mosque.

"Iduladha will be better in the courtyard than in the mosque if the courtyard is open, right," said JK, who is also the General Chairperson of the PMI Center.

"The most important thing is to do the right procedure, wear a mask, keep the right distance. So if it's achieved that's okay. So even though the government has made a decision, we will follow the government's rules," said Kalla.

Previously, the Instruction of the Minister of Home Affairs Number 15 of 2021 concerning the Implementation of Emergency Community Activity Restrictions (PPKM), stated that places of worship, namely mosques, prayer rooms, churches, temples, temples and temples were temporarily closed.

The regulation was then revised in the third instruction through the Instruction of the Minister of Home Affairs Number 19 of 2021 which regulates places of worship not to hold worship/religious activities in congregation during Emergency PPKM and optimizing worship at home.

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