JAKARTA - Chairman of the Indonesian House of Representatives Puan Maharani reminded all elements of society to build optimism in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic

"Don't accuse each other or blame parties who are working hard to deal with this pandemic in order to save the nation's children," Puan told reporters in Jakarta, Monday, July 12.

According to him, all differences must be put aside in order to fight the virus that has troubled Indonesian citizens this year. Because, COVID-19 has infected all ethnic groups, religions, races indiscriminately.

“Answer this humanitarian issue with empathy and mutual cooperation. So that we can do our best to help overcome this epidemic," said the former Coordinating Minister for Human Development and Culture.

Moreover, said Puan, the number of COVID-19 cases in Indonesia has increased rapidly in recent times due to a new mutation virus, the Delta variant.

Based on data from the Ministry of Health, as of Sunday, July 11, there were an additional 35,094 cases, bringing the current number to 2,491,006 people. Then, there were additional recovered patients as many as 28,561 people. Thus, the total number of patients who have recovered is 2,052,109.

"We see that there is still hope for Indonesia to recover because there is still a burning passion to help each other, the spirit to love the sick and suffering, the spirit to work hand in hand to produce solutions in the midst of a pandemic," said Puan.

Furthermore, Puan explained the results of research from the Faculty of Psychology, University of Indonesia (UI) conducted from May 26 to June 2, 2021. This research shows that the level of resilience of Indonesians at various age levels tends to be low. In fact, the resilience of society today is very much needed to deal with pressures and uncertainties during the pandemic.

In this online study, the psychological endurance of most respondents dropped rapidly after experiencing a significant emotional event. In addition, most of the respondents could not stand stress or illness.

The majority of the respondents studied found it difficult to make strategies to return to normal after experiencing difficult and hit situations. In fact, not a few are pessimistic in looking at the future.

This condition describes the level of individual psychological capacity to bounce back from difficulties, conflicts, uncertainties, or community failures that tend to be low.

On the basis of this research, the chairman of the PDIP DPP appealed to all components of the nation not to accuse each other, attack each other and contradict each other. He reminded that the unity and integrity of all elements of the nation is very much needed in the midst of a pandemic.

"There is still a lot of pure positive energy rising from the nation's children and I'm sure it will contribute a lot in handling this pandemic. Let's build optimism, don't blame each other," said Puan.

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