JAKARTA - PT Bio Farma's Corporate Secretary Bambang Heriyanto said paid vaccines for individuals provided by SOEs should not be used as an additional third dose (booster) vaccine for the community.

In a sense, people who have received two doses of vaccine injections from the national vaccination program for free may not participate in paid vaccines.

"The Gotong Royong vaccination is indeed extended to individuals, but it must be in line with government programs. This means that it is given to the public or individuals who have not yet received access to dose 1 and dose 2. So, it is not a booster," said Bambang in a virtual press conference. , Sunday, July 11th.

Moreover, he said, currently the government has not issued a decree that the public will be given a booster. The current program is for the public to have access to vaccines for dose 1 and dose 2.

"So, it doesn't mean that you will come to health service facilities (paid vaccinations) later, you will continue to ask for a boost," he said.

Later, the paid vaccination service officer will require the public to bring identification. They will be checked whether they have followed the national vaccination program or not.

"When we enter this program, we have to choose that we will not participate in the vaccination program implemented by the government, but participate in the Mutual Cooperation vaccination program," Bambang explained.

It is known that state-owned company PT Kimia Farma has opened a paid vaccination service for individuals. This service is included in the Gotong Royong (VGR) vaccination program.

Kimia Farma has prepared 8 clinics in 6 cities for this self-vaccination service. The total individual VGR capacity of these 8 clinics is 1,700 participants per day.

Then, slowly, Kimia Farma will expand its reach, including to shopping centers in big cities.

The purchase price of the vaccine is set at IDR 321,660 per dose and the maximum tariff for vaccination services is IDR 117,910 per dose. The vaccine used in this program is the Sinopharm vaccine.

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