JAKARTA - The Governor of North Kalimantan Province (Kaltara) Zainal Arifin Paliwang and his wife Rahmawati Paliwang have been confirmed positive for COVID-19 and are currently in self-isolation at their office in Tanjung Selor, Bulungan Regency.

"We hereby inform you that the Governor and mother have indeed been confirmed positive for COVID-19 from the results of the PCR examination on Friday, July 9," said Kaltara COVID-19 Task Force Spokesperson Agust Suwandi as quoted by Antara, Sunday, July 11.

He explained that the Bulungan Health Service had taken swab samples for examination at the PCR Laboratory of the Kaltara Provincial Health Office.

He explained from the "CT Value" value, the Governor and his wife obtained CT results below 40 so they were declared positive, but the value was above 30, meaning that there was no potential for infection and towards healing.

"His (Governor) and mother's condition is also healthy, there are no symptoms. Currently, the Bulungan Regency Health Office and the Kaltara Province continue to monitor it," he said.

He said that anyone who had close contact with Governor Zainal was still in the tracing and examination stage, where this had to be done.

"Alhamdulillah, both of them are healthy because they like sports. Even when they are self-isolating, they exercise at home," he said.

Meanwhile, regarding when and where the Governor was exposed to COVID, he stated that it was difficult to determine.

But by looking at the CT Value, Zainal and his wife who are already on their way to recovery seem to have been exposed for a long time.

"The name of an official is indeed a big risk because he has to meet many people, even though he has implemented health protocols well," said Agust Suwandi.

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