JAKARTA - Head of the DKI Jakarta Health Service (Kadinkes) Widyastuti stated, since the pandemic hit, Jakarta has learned a lot to be better prepared in dealing with the COVID-19 surge.

"We learned a lot and this is a very valuable experience so that DKI can be better prepared to face the COVID-19 pandemic," said Widyastuti at the Press Conference for the Dissemination of the COVID-19 Serological Survey Results, Antara, Saturday, July 10.

Widyastuti explained that the lessons came not only from cases that occurred, but also through surveys and research conducted by experts since the pandemic.

The DKI Jakarta Provincial Government, said Widyastuti, has also provided data in collaboration with various research teams, including the UI Faculty of Public Health (FKM), the Eijkman Institute and the Indonesian CDC.

The survey, said Widyastuti, managed to show how the current situation of the COVID-19 pandemic in Jakarta with the start of the pandemic in March 2020, such as from positive cases from the PCR (positivity rate) test, which showed an extraordinary increase of 11 percent in March 2020 and 44 percent in March 2020. percent at this time.

Through research that presents the magnitude of the problem or prevalence of COVID-19 in DKI in terms of people, place and time, making the right decision to intervene in order to solve the problem properly.

"Hopefully this collaboration can provide lessons for further policy making and can provide a real picture of the condition of Jakarta because we know that the method used is already with high validity," he added.

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