KEPRI - The Riau Islands Provincial Government (Kepri) proposed an additional 50 thousand doses of vaccine to the central government following the thin stock of vaccines in the regions.

The Head of the Riau Islands Provincial Health Office, Mochammad Bisri, said that all the vaccine stocks owned by the Riau Islands Provincial Government had been distributed to all local regencies/cities. "Vaccine stocks in seven regencies/cities are also running low," he said in Tanjungpinang, quoted from Antara, Saturday, July 10.

Bisri said he was still waiting for the central government's notification regarding the delivery of vaccines to the regions. "The submission was about a week ago," he said.

He hopes that vaccine supplies will soon arrive in the Riau Islands Province because his party is pursuing a 70 percent vaccination target by the end of July 2021 in order to pursue group immunity.

He further said that so far the achievement of vaccination in the area has reached 58.29 percent or 817,356 people from the target of 1.4 million local residents.

"The remaining 70 percent until the end of July 2021, as many as 324,641 people," said Bisri.

Spokesperson for the Riau Islands Province COVID-19 Handling Task Force also appealed to people who have not been vaccinated to immediately participate in vaccinations to be safe and protected from COVID-19.

In addition, people who have been vaccinated are also advised to always be disciplined in complying with 3M's health protocols, namely wearing masks, washing hands, and maintaining distance.

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