JAKARTA - In the National Medium-Term Development Plan (RPJMN) 2020-2024 cooperatives have an important role. The government targets the contribution of this sector to reach 5.5 percent of the National GDP by 2024.

This target was reiterated by the Secretary of the Ministry of Cooperatives and SMEs Arif Rahman Hakim. For now, the contribution of cooperatives to the national economy has only reached 5.1 percent.

"Specifically related to cooperatives, it is targeted to increase the contribution of cooperative GDP to national GDP by 5.5 percent and the development of the modern 500 by the end of 2024," he said in the Cooperative Day Webinar "Creating Member-Based Cooperative Ecosystem Towards Modern Cooperatives" in Jakarta, Saturday, July 10. .

Arif said that the low contribution of cooperatives has made cooperatives not yet fully the main choice of community economic institutions.

In fact, cooperatives have great potential to improve the economy and welfare of the community, in addition to improving the member's economy. Cooperatives are also expected to become social institutions and educational institutions for members and the community.

Arif added that apart from its low contribution to the national economy, community participation in becoming members of cooperatives is also still low.

The participation of cooperative members in Indonesia is only around 8.41 percent, far below the world average of 16.31 percent.

"This is of course also a challenge for all of us, there are still many spaces for us to participate in advancing cooperatives," he said.

The Ministry of Cooperatives and SMEs has established four strategies to increase the capacity, reach and innovation of cooperatives. This strategy is also a step to realize the President's directive to support MSMEs to advance class and modernize cooperatives.

The four strategies are cooperative modernization, informal to formal transformation, digital transformation and the use of information technology and transformation in global value chains.

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