JAKARTA - The Jakarta Transportation Agency claims that there has been a decrease in vehicle volume by up to 62 percent amid the Implementation of Emergency Community Activity Restrictions (PPKM). This figure is lower than when PPKM Mikro was implemented.

"For the volume of traffic in urban areas, within the city it decreased by 62.33 percent as of the 8th yesterday. Next, the daily passenger of urban transportation decreased by 46.28 percent," said Head of the DKI Jakarta Transportation Agency, Syafrin Liputo, as quoted by reporters. Saturday, July 10.

"On average, yes. (Decrease, ed) This starts from July 3 to 8 compared to the implementation of PPKM Micro on July 5 to 10, 2021," he added.

Syafrin also explained that the volume of urban transportation vehicles also experienced a significant decrease of up to 52.47 percent.

In addition, he also reported that the operational service vehicle (KDO) belonging to the Transportation Service had transported around 350 COVID-19 patients and bodies. The car has been in operation since 28 June.

"There are 284 positive COVID-19 patients and 66 bodies that have been transported by Transportation Satpel Dishub," he said.

These vehicles are located in 42 sub-districts throughout DKI Jakarta. In addition to transporting patients and bodies, this vehicle also transports COVID-19 handling equipment such as velbeds, small oxygen cylinders, and coffins.

"With those 42 vehicles, a total of around 1,025 units have been mobilized," he concluded.

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