JAKARTA - Two women and one man have been named as suspects in the beating of a member of the Cilandak Police, Aiptu Suardi. The suspects were charged with multiple articles.

For the first article, the three were charged with Article 170 of the Criminal Code regarding mutual beatings or violence. This article carries a maximum penalty of 8 years in prison.

In addition, the three suspects were also charged with the article against officers. The three did not heed the appeal and instead attacked the police.

"We are also layered with Articles 212, 214, 207 to 316 (KUHP). Where there are a series of actions, namely against officers who carry out their duties according to their authority," said South Jakarta Metro Police Chief, Kombes Azis Andriansyah to reporters, Friday, July 9. .

In this case there are 5 people with witnesses and it is possible that they will become suspects. One other person is still at large.”

(One fugitive) he beat together," said Azis.

Previously, it was reported that the police had named three suspects behind the case of a beating against a member of the Cilandak Police, Aiptu Suardi, which went viral on social media. In fact, two of them are women.

"Currently, we have arrested several people, three are suspects, five are witnesses and one is on the People's Wanted List (DPO)," continued Kombes Azis.

The two female suspects are Gabriela (24) and Anastesia (21). Meanwhile, the rest is Michael (26). They participated in the beating.

"Yes (participating in the beating) his name was already mentioned," he said.

The motorcycle gang's arrogant action was uploaded to the @jakarta.terkini Instagram account. In this 29-second video, members of a motorcycle gang can be seen ganging up on a police officer.

About four or five people were seen beating them. Finally, the police fired warning shots and they dispersed.

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