CIANJUR - The Cianjur District Court, West Java, found PT Pou Yuen Indonesia guilty of violating the emergency PPKM regulations. Pou Yen was given a sanction of Rp. 10 million or closed operations during emergency PPKM.

"The company did not reduce the number of employees, causing crowds and did not apply strict procedures to thousands of employees," said Chief Justice of the Cianjur District Court, Donovan Akbar, quoted by Antara, Thursday, July 8.

Donovan explained that the sanctions imposed were based on reports from the Cianjur Police and Satpol PP during an inspection some time ago, where violations were found, still employing all employees who were divided into two shifts.

Meanwhile, in the rules of essential sector companies are required to reduce the number of employees by 50 percent of the total number. However, PT Pou Yuen only divides the entry schedule into two shifts in one day, so that the employees who enter remain 100 percent.

"We received reports from the police and the Cianjur Satpol PP, so that the case for a minor crime was immediately carried out. PT Pou Yuen had violated the prokes during the emergency PPKM while still employing all its employees," he said.

PT Pou Yuen was found guilty and imposed a fine of IDR 10 million. Not only that, he added, PT Pou Yuen is threatened with closure during the emergency PPKM from July 11 to July 20, if it does not pay a fine.

PT Pou Yuen's attorney, Oden Muharam, admitted that he objected to the verdict given by the Cianjur District Court against his client with the threat of operational closure during emergency PPKM, but his party accepted the judge's decision to pay the fine.

"For the decision to close the company, of course we object, but we accept the decision to pay the fine," he said

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