LAMPUNG - Central Lampung Regency Government (Pemkab) received 205 oxygen cylinders from PT Sugar Group Companies (SGC). This assistance was received symbolically by the Regent of Central Lampung, Musa Ahmad at the Demang Se Island Raya Hospital, Thursday, July 8.

"Yes, today we symbolically received 205 oxygen cylinders plus a thousand refills," said Musa as reported by Antara.

Apart from SGC, he explained, the Central Lampung Regency Government also received 30 tubes of oxygen from PT GGP and their fillings, PT BW's 50 tubes and their fillings and from PT GMP which provided 100 tube fillings per day.

"I express my gratitude and highest appreciation to the company that has helped provide oxygen for the handling of COVID-19 in Central Lampung," he said.

The Regent said that for now the oxygen supply at the Demang Se island Raya Hospital and a number of private hospitals in Central Lampung is still safe.

"God willing, for now it is still safe. Thanks to the help from this company in Central Lampung," he said.

Musa added that in the future the Central Lampung Regency Government will try to keep the oxygen supply for COVID-19 patients in the district available.

"Of course we will try to keep the oxygen supply safe. This is so that COVID-19 patients in Central Lampung are handled properly," he added.

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