MAKASSAR - The Business Competition Supervisory Commission (KPPU) Regional Office VI Makassar found a pharmacy in Makassar that sells drugs for handling COVID-19 above the highest retail price according to the Ministry of Health regulations.

Head of KPPU Regional Office VI Makassar Hilman Pujana in Makassar said monitoring the availability of drugs for handling COVID-19 and oxygen cylinders at a number of pharmacies found that there were pharmacies selling drugs well above the highest retail price (HET).

"The Ministry of Health has issued a list of 11 types of drugs that have the highest retail prices set, but there are also pharmacies that sell drugs far above the HET, even up to seven times the price," he said, quoted by Antara, Thursday, July 8.

Hilman explained that 11 types of drugs were determined by HET through Permenkes No. HK.01.07/MENKES/4826/2021, only Oseltamivir 75 mg and Azithromycin 500 mg (tablets) were available in almost all pharmacies as survey samples.

He said the monitoring carried out was in line with the soaring number of COVID-19 cases in Indonesia and triggered the accumulation of medical drugs and other supporting equipment by the community.

Monitoring of pharmacies and other medical business actors, especially those selling oxygen gas for the recovery needs of the sick in order to balance the availability of these needs so that they are not stockpiled or used by certain parties.

DOC Ministry of Health

Regarding pharmacies that sell above HET, his party immediately coordinates with the Directorate of Investigation of the Central KPPU to conduct further investigations.

KPPU has decided that the supervision of drugs during the COVID-19 pandemic and medical oxygen will be handled at the law enforcement stage to deepen the potential for violations of the business competition law.

Hilman appealed to the public not to panic because the supply of medicine and oxygen at the hospital was still sufficient.

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