JAKARTA - The Supervisory Board of LPP TVRI officially appointed Iman Brotoseno to replace Helmy Yahya as President Director of the Inter-Time Substitute (PAW) for the 2020-2022 period on Tuesday, May 26. Later, the appointment of Iman as the Director of LPP TVRI became a polemic. One of the things that is highlighted is because he was a contributor to the Playboy Indonesia magazine.

Deputy Chairman of the Indonesian People's Consultative Assembly, Hidayat Nur Wahid, criticized the election of Iman by the Supervisory Board of LPP TVRI. According to him, Dewas LPP TVRI should revise Imam's election decision. This is because he considers that Dewas TVRI did not see and consider the ethics of the nation and state as stated in TAP MPR Number VI / 2001.

"Dewas must explain this clearly. Even if necessary, immediately revise his decision. How come the comprehensive track record of a candidate for president has gone unnoticed in the process of selecting a strategic public office funded by the state budget," Hidayat said as quoted from his written statement, Friday, 29. May.

He added that every state administrator must obey the TAP MPR RI. Meanwhile, because Iman was a contributor to Playboy Indonesia magazine, one point about social and cultural ethics, including the culture of shame, has not been fulfilled.

This Prosperous Justice Party (PKS) politician also said that the choice of Iman with his track record would actually create uproar and unrest in the community during the outbreak of COVID-19.

Hidayat assessed that there are still many other professional circles besides Iman who are considered to have a better track record in making TVRI grow.

"Why isn't that the orientation of Dewas TVRI's decision? Whereas if that was Dewas TVRI's policy, it would be supported by the community and help solve problems at TVRI," he said.

Denial of Faith

Iman admitted that he had been a photo and article contributor in various magazines, including Playboy Indonesia, for the period 2006-2009. But, he denied, his work during that time contained elements of pornography.

"One of the articles and photos has been published only once in Playboy Indonesia magazine with the title 'Diving in Banda Island'. This paper focuses on marine tourism and there is absolutely no pornographic element," said Iman in his written statement.

He explained that the Indonesian Playboy magazine is very different from the versions abroad. Moreover, before the problem was then closed, many writers and national figures were interviewed in the magazine. This, continued Iman, also did not diminish the integrity of the writer and national figure.

"Because the substance is not related to pornography. Even the attitude of the Press Council at that time assessed the Supreme Court's verdict that sentenced Erwin Arnada as Editor in Chief of Playboy Indonesia magazine in 2010. The Press Council firmly refused to mention that Playboy Indonesia magazine violated the pornography article," he said.

"In fact, the Press Council considers the decision to be a form of criminalization of the press," added Iman.

Faith explained that he never lied and covered up anything from the past. Moreover, he understands, in today's era, everyone must have a digital track record.

"Everyone has a track record of the past including how conversations on social media are. Whatever it is, everyone has a past, including mistakes made accidentally. 14 years ago, I as an arts worker did not expect that I would occupy a public office in Indonesia. TVRI, "he said.

After being inaugurated, Iman will work as well as possible, starting with solving internal problems first. Mainly the issue of employee performance allowances, especially regarding the performance allowance report which is the right of employees.

In addition, TVRI will also finish filling structural positions which are still vacant until now. The goal is to make the operation of this broadcasting institution run smoother in the future.

"I will focus on working my best for the interests of the people of the nation and state," he concluded.

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