JAKARTA - The Attorney General's Office has decided not to file an appeal against Pinangki Sirna Malasari's light sentence. The decision proves that the Adhyaksa corps is suspected of having again protected the former prosecutor.

According to the Executive Director of the Lokataru Foundation, Haris Azhar, the decision of the Attorney General's Office, especially Attorney General ST Burhanuddin, has clearly tarnished President Jokowi's campaign to eradicate corruption. Even he considered the prosecutor's office to have no shame.

"In my opinion, the non-cassation action is not surprising because the Prosecutor's Office must argue that the decision is in accordance with the prosecutor's demands. But without realizing it, the prosecutor's decision has failed President Jokowi's commitment to eradicate corruption. and I think they are very shameless," Haris told reporters in Jakarta, Thursday, July 8.

According to him, Pinangki is a bad face for institutions and law enforcement in Indonesia. In fact, he suspects that the burning of the Attorney General's building is a bit of a story from the institution to deceive the public in the name of law enforcement.

"This condition is sad. It adds to the long series of stories of irregularities in law enforcement agencies in this country. As a result, Attorney General ST Burhanuddin is increasingly unpopular in the eyes of the public," said Haris.

Similarly, Indonesia Corruption Watch (ICW) also congratulated Attorney General ST Burhanuddin who had insisted on defending the light verdict of the former Pinangki prosecutor.

"ICW congratulates Mr. ST Burhanudin as the Attorney General and his staff at the Attorney General's Office for successfully defending Pinangki Sirna Malasari's light sentence," said ICW researcher Kurnia Ramadhana, Tuesday, July 6.

Kurnia said that law enforcers who commit crimes of corruption and extortion should be given the maximum sentence. However, the prosecutor did not appeal Pinangki's sentence, which was only 4 years in prison.

For ICW, the entire process of handling corruption, bribery, money laundering, and Pinangki's conspiracy is just a joke. "However, there are so many loopholes that the Attorney General's Office does not want to uncover," he said.

According to him, one of the things that seem reluctant to be dismantled by the Prosecutor's Office is related to the alleged involvement of high-ranking officials in law enforcement agencies who guaranteed Pinangki to be able to meet with Joko Tjandra.

"In addition, in this legal process, the public can also see how the KPK has neglected the handling of cases that are full of conflicts of interest," he said.

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