Residents Of Greater Surabaya Emotion, Main Route Access To Surabaya From Sidoarjo Is Totally Closed
Closure of the Surabaya-Sidoarjo border road at the Waru Roundabout (AM/VOI)

SURABAYA - Residents of Greater Surabaya are furious because the main road to Surabaya from Sidoarjo is completely closed. The road closure was carried out at the Surabaya-Sidoarjo border at the Waru Roundabout.

The closure of the road was carried out by the Surabaya Polrestabes together with the Transportation Agency since morning at 07.00 WIB. Thousands of Surabaya residents who live in Sidoarjo finally canceled going to work, because they were forced to turn back.

One of them is Faizal Falakki, 36, a Surabaya resident who lives in Sidoarjo, who admitted that he was going to work but failed. He was surprised because the access road to Surabaya was completely closed.

"If it was to be closed, there should have been prior notification. So that the public would know. At this rate, we can't work," said Faizal, Wednesday, July 7.

Surabaya-Sidoarjo at the Waru Roundabout

Another Surabaya resident, Dimas Ega, who is also domiciled in Waru Sidoarjo, admitted that he was angry with the closure of this road. The father of one child was also forced to be unable to enter Surabaya.

"The office should not be in order. If the office is off, there will definitely be no people wandering the streets like this," said Dimas.

With the total road closure at the Waru roundabout on the Surabaya side, many two-wheeled vehicles have chosen to turn around. It was also seen that fully armed police were guarding the closure of the Jalan Waru roundabout on the Surabaya side.

But there has been no confirmation from the police, including the Head of Public Relations of the East Java Police, Kombes Gatot Repli Handoko and the Head of the Surabaya Police AKBP Teddy Chandra.

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