JAKARTA - DKI Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan is predicted to be one of the strongest presidential candidates in the 2024 presidential election. This estimate refers to the electability of Anies who is always in the top 3 rankings, competing with Prabowo Subianto and Ganjar Pranowo in the majority of survey results from credible institutions.

Moreover, if Anies can maintain and even improve his performance in the DKI Provincial Government, it is believed that his electability will be even better.

"As long as Anies can maintain his performance until 2022 and does not slip into a disgraceful act, it is estimated that his electability will be stable," said political communication observer from Esa Unggul University Jakarta, M. Jamiluddin Ritonga, Wednesday, July 7.

In addition, Anies has achieved many national and international achievements during his tenure as governor. In fact, some time ago the former Minister of Education and Culture's speech received a positive response from the UN Secretary General.

"It is possible that his electability will skyrocket if his achievements are increasingly in line," said Jamiluddin.

However, Jamiluddin did not deny that there are some parties predict that Anies' electability will decline after he does not serve as governor in 2022. The reason is, Anies is considered to have no more stage to maintain his electability towards 2024.

But it is undeniable, Anies is a creative person who creates issues so that it is easy for him to get publications. In addition, he also has many volunteers, one of which is Mileanies 2024 who has prepared the stage for Anies after he is no longer the governor of DKI.

"So, after Anies does not become governor, he will be more free to go on safari throughout the country. Anies can take two years to socialize himself more intensely to the public," explained Jamiluddin.

If Anies does that well, it is certain that he will be able to walk on the red carpet in the 2024 presidential election.

"With this good electability, it will be difficult for political parties to refuse to carry Anies," said Jamiluddin.

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