JAKARTA - The blocking scheme during the Emergency Community Activity Restrictions (PPKM) has been running for several days. The results of the evaluation, a new problem emerged, namely, the use of the mouse line.

Pangdam Jaya Maj. Gen. Mulyo Aji said this problem arose because many people did not support the government's policy. Where the community deliberately opened the access road for mice from the border area to Jakarta.

"We have seen that some of our colleagues who are supposed to help us try to reduce mobility, instead they open up opportunities. Like opening the doors of small streets," Major General Mulyo Aji told reporters in Lenteng Agung, Depok, Tuesday, July 6. .

With the opening of the rat road access, people can easily enter Jakarta without having to pass through the barrier point. This has an impact on the high number of people entering Jakarta.

"What we focus on here is to be able to reduce density and reduce their mobility, in the end they can still enter," he said.

Therefore, the Pangdam asked the RT and RW to participate in commemorating the residents who opened the access road for mice. Because the success of Emergency PPKM is in the hands of the community.

"Therefore, we need to give stress to RW, RT, then those who have areas in housing to help. Because this is for the sake of humanity," said the Pangdam.

In addition, the Metro Jaya Police Chief Inspector General Fadil Imran said that joint TNI-Polri officers had been deployed to guard the rat roads that connect Jakarta with the buffer zone.

With this step, only people with essential and critical qualifications are allowed to enter Jakarta. "Now there are Danramil, Kapolsek, Babinsa, Bhabinkamtibmas," said Inspector General Fadil Imran to reporters, Tuesday, July 6.

However, the role of the community is still expected to help the Emergency PPKM policy run well. The public is asked to participate in monitoring and closing the streets of rats.

"It's just the rat's path, right, the name is also the rat's path, it's small, there are lots of rat holes," said Fadil.

"Well, if you only rely on the TNI-Polri apparatus, I don't think so even though it's COVID. Because COVID is a common enemy," he continued.

Moreover, RT and RW were also asked to play a big role. Fadil also gave the assumption that letting someone pass through the isolation point would be the same as being involved in spreading COVID-19.

"I sincerely implore the RT, RW, please take care of the village, don't let them escape. That's the same as giving us the opportunity for this disease to spread. The RT/RW, the community, don't give them the village to pass by people who are still desperate to move without any needs, it is the same as giving space for people to become victims until they enter the hospital or it can be fatal to death," he said.

On the other hand, one of the reasons people keep forcing their way into Jakarta is because they have to work even though they are in non-essential and non-critical sectors. Based on the information obtained, they were worried that they would be fired by the company management.

The Head of Public Relations of the Polda Metro Jaya Kombes Yusri Yunus said one of the reasons for forcing himself to go to the office was because he was afraid of being fired by the company.

"Some say that he will be fired if he does not come to work. Even though it has been determined that non-essential work sectors are not allowed (WFO)," said Yusri.

The work sector which is considered essential and critical is regulated in the Instruction of the Minister of Home Affairs Number 15 of 2021 concerning the Enforcement of Restrictions on Emergency Community Activities for Covid-19 in the Java and Bali Regions.

In the Instruction of the Minister of Home Affairs there is a rule that office employees for non-essential sectors are required to work from home. Meanwhile, the essential sector is asked for a maximum of 50 percent of workers in the office by implementing strict health protocols.

In fact, said Yusri, on the first working day during Emergency PPKM, Monday, there were still many workers in non-essential sectors forcing themselves to work, causing traffic jams.

Yusri said that officers in the field had also received complaints from road users, which were considered the cause of traffic jams because they were carrying out the task of doing insulation.

The community seemed not to want to understand that the presence of local government officers, police, and TNI at that time was only carrying out their duties to remind people to stay at home while the Emergency PPKM was implemented.

"This is not to trouble the community, not to make Jakarta empty, no. We remind the public, you just stay at home. If the non-essential already understands that there is no need to work in the field, he just works from home, we will be calm , said Yusri.

Yusri stated that the Metro Jaya Regional Police from Tuesday will form a patrol team to check on non-essential company offices which are still open.

He assessed that the existence of the company that remained stubborn needed to be dealt with firmly, because on the one hand it had violated the laws and regulations, namely Law Number 4 of 1984 concerning Outbreaks of Infectious Diseases.

In Article 14 of Law 4/1984 it is stated that anyone who hinders the implementation of epidemic control is threatened with imprisonment for a maximum of one year and/or a maximum fine of Rp. 1,000,000.

However, Yusri considers that on the other hand in Operation Yustisi, it prioritizes action from the Regional Government through the Civil Service Police Unit (Satpol PP).

He said that in Operation Yustisi, Satpol PP has the right to seal or impose the highest sanction, namely revoking the company's permit.

Meanwhile, the Law Enforcement Task Force will act by using the laws and regulations.

"This may be on the one hand, we have also conveyed to the three pillars below. Either RT, Babinsa, or Bhabinkamtibmas, to remind citizens to obey and obey government policies. The most important thing (obedience) is not to go out, just stay at home, " concluded Yusri.

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