JAKARTA - Coordinating Minister for Investment and Maritime Affairs, Luhut Binsar Panjaitan, said that Indonesia is currently lucky to have a state leader like President Joko Widodo.

This was conveyed by Luhut in the Deddy Corbuzier podcast which was uploaded on the Youtube channel, Tuesday, July 6.

Initially, Luhut discussed the situation of handling COVID-19 related to the implementation of Emergency PPKM. Deddy then mentioned the public's disappointment about the corruption of social assistance. Deddy said that the people considered that they had been harmed while the government had benefited.

Hearing this statement, Luhut immediately said that it was fortunate that Jokowi had Jokowi as a role model.

"But fortunately we are like Pak Jokowi. Fortunately, at least we are not following the example of a leader who is not right. Because the president is not a thief, we are also thinking about not being a thief", said Luhut.

"It's a shame that the leader is simple, works hard, wants to be right, is responsible, where do you want to find something like that, dare?", he continued.

Not without reason, Luhut said that because many intellectual leaders today do not set a good example for their subordinates.

"I'm a soldier, I know. There are many former commanders. I saw what Jokowi's style was. I told him once. You should have joined Kopassus", said Luhut.

Luhut admitted that he did not mind if he, who had a military background, was considered a subordinate and commanded by Jokowi, who is a civilian. Luhut said he would obey the orders of the president for the 2nd term.

"Yes, subordinates. Not considered, but (indeed, red) subordinates. In the structure of the president, he raises the rank of soldiers. Yes, you have to obey. If I don't obey, haha. I always obey the system," said Luhut.

"Only two, if I don't like it, I resign. Or I stay silent", he added.

The Deputy Chairperson of the COVID-19 Handling Committee emphasized that Indonesia would not be what it is today if the president was not Jokowi. Especially during the current pandemic.

"Yes (lucky, red), in conditions like now. Now the decision-making is fast and brave. I've tested it several times, I'm older than the president in terms of age. I see the president is brave, (Jokowi said, ed) "It's okay, Luhut, just do it, I'm responsible". That's a form of leadership that I think we should emulate", he explained.

According to the senior Golkar politician, Jokowi has no personal interest in any of his decisions. So, he as a subordinate did not dare to do anything.

"How dare you. Can destroy you", said Luhut.

Regarding the current condition of the country, Deddy said that Indonesia, which has different ethnicities, races, religions, and groups, has been quite well guided by a Jokowi.

"It's not really good, we are lucky to have someone like Mr. Jokowi. In the future we don't know what to do", said Luhut.

However, he said, as president, Jokowi certainly has a negative side.

"Definitely the negative. At least you can't be fat", said Luhut jokingly.

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