JAKARTA - Metro Jaya Police has decided to increase the isolation point during the Implementation of Emergency Community Activity Restrictions (PPKM). In total there are 72 blocking points from the previous 62 points.

"The blockade is carried out at 72 points of the blockade at Metro Jaya Police. Namely at 5 at toll gates, 9 at toll exits, 19 points at city limits, and 39 points on the main route," said Deputy Head of Metro Jaya Police, Brigadier General Hendro Pandowo, in the Java-Bali PPKM Virtual Press Conference, Monday, July 5.

Of the 72 isolation points, Hendro continued, 37 of them are in the border area. In addition, in guarding dozens of isolation points around 1,898 joint personnel were deployed.

"We have divided the 72 points into 37 points which are restrictions on mobility and isolation of people who will enter Jakarta, both in Tangerang City, Depok, and Bekasi. Then 35 points carry out restrictions on mobility and control mobility, namely in Jakarta, Tangerang, Depok, Bekasi", said Hendro.

On the other hand, Hendro also said that based on the results of the evaluation, there was a buildup at every blocking point, especially in the direction of Jakarta. For this reason, officers will try to apply discretion if deemed necessary.

"When there is a build-up of traffic, we exercise discretion. It is opened so that there is no accumulation that causes new problems", said Hendro.

The following are the points of restriction of mobility within the toll road, within the City/Province boundaries and the main routes of restriction of mobility within the city:

1. Senayan Roundabout

2. Clover

3. HI Roundabout

4. TL Harmoni

Mobility Restrictions on the East to West Toll Road

1. Tegal Parang Toll Gate

2. Polda Toll Gate for West to East

3. Semanggi Toll Gate

4. Senayan Toll Gate

5. Pancoran Toll Gate

Restrictions on Mobility in Border areas:

1. Ringroad Tegal Alur, North Jakarta.

2. Pos Joglo Raya, West Jakarta.

3. Post LTS Kalideres, West Jakarta.

4. Friday Market Crossroad, South Jakarta.

5. Ciledug Raya (Budi Luhur University), South Jakarta.

6. Lampiri Kalimalang, East Jakarta.

7. Panasonic Jalan Raya Bogor, East Jakarta.

8. In front of Cilangkap gas station, Depok.

9. Jalan Parung Ciputat, Depok.

10. Batu Ceper, Tangerang City.

11. Jati Uwung, Tangerang City.

12. Jalan Sultan Agung Meda Satria, Bekasi City.

13. Jalan Nur Ali Sumber Arta, Bekasi City.

14. Kedung Waringin, Bekasi Regency

15. Tambun, Bekasi Regency.

16. Bintaro, South Tangerang.

17. Legok, South Tangerang.

18. Lenteng Agung, Depok.

19. Kolong Cakung, East Jakarta.

Mobility Restriction Points Prone to Violation of Emergency PPKM Rules;

Central Jakarta.

1. Jalan Sabang.

2. Jalan Cikini Raya.

3. Asia Africa Road.

4. Apron Street.

East Jakarta

5. East Flood Canal (BKT).

South Jakarta.

6. Kemang.

7. Bulungan.

West Jakarta

8. Old Town area.

9. Fishing Street, Srengseng.

North Jakarta.

10. Jalan Boulevard Raya Kelapa Gading

City of Tangerang.

11. Kali Sand Road.

12. Highway Appeal.

South Tangerang

13. Jalan Boulevard Alam Sutera.

14. Main Silk Road.

15. Jalan Clique Gading Serpong.


16. Jalan M. Yasin (in front of STIE MBI).

17. Jalan M. Yasin (in front of MCD).

Bekasi City.

18. South Boulevard Street.

19. Summarecon Bekasi.

Bekasi Regency.

20. New Cikarang

21. South Cikarang Cifest.

Mobility Control Points at Prone to Violation of Emergency PPKM Rules;

Central Jakarta.

1. Cassa Street.

2. Central Salemba Street.

East Jakarta.

3. Jalan Jenderal Urip or East Jatinegara

4. Jalan Sutoyo Kramat Jati.

5. Jalan Raya Bogor Pusdikes.

South Jakarta.

6. Wolter Monginsidi Street.

7. Jalan Cipete Raya.

8. Cikajang Street.

9. Gunawarman Street.

North Jakarta.

10. Sunter.

11. PIK II.

West Jakarta.

12. Jalan Mango Besar.


13. Taman Sehati, Gor Wibawa Mukti.

14. District I, Meikarta.

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