JAKARTA - The spread of COVID-19 in Indonesia, especially Jakarta is getting crazier. The Emergency Community Activity Restriction (PPKM) Scheme is also one way to suppress the increase in positive cases. However, many people seem to ignore it. They continued to force their activities outside their homes even though the joint apparatus had conducted isolation at dozens of points. Until finally, the leaders of the capital city issued warnings for the public to stay at home. The Head of the Jakarta Metropolitan Police, Inspector General Fadil Imran, said that in order to make people stay at home , it could have used repressive methods. Moreover, it is allowed in the law. It's just that, for now, Fadil doesn't want to use that method. Because, there are other possible ways to stop people's mobility temporarily. "Should I keep kicking you back home? Please tell the community properly. Do I have to use repressive methods. This isn't educational, it's irresponsible. , but the law allows it," said Inspector General Fadil on Jalan Raya Bogor, East Jakarta, Sunday, July 4. According to Fadil, since the Emergency PPKM began, there are still people who have stayed out of their homes. In fact, the purpose of implementing the policy is for all of us regardless of the COVID-19 pandemic. "There are still many with 1,001 kinds of reasons to keep moving. Even though our targets are two, reducing mobility and eliminating crowds," said Fadil. mentioned the situation that has occurred during the COVID-19 pandemic. Many people have died from this virus. "Try to think about it for a moment. How many people are close to us, whether they are work friends, whether family, or playmates, who were still there yesterday, now they are gone," he said. "Yesterday, we were still joking. with us, now lying limp and in need of help in the hospital," continued Fadil.

Therefore, Fadil continues to ask the public to obey the rules and stay at home. So, Indonesia is completely free from COVID-19.

Not much different, DKI Jakarta Governor Anies Baswesan said that the Emergency PPKM was not meant to make people miserable. But only to save everyone from the spread of COVID-19. "This is an attempt to save. This is not to empty the streets of Jakarta. This is to save all of us, save you, your family, save our family," said Anies. Therefore, people who are not included in the essential and critical sectors are asked to stay at home. In that way, it is tantamount to helping the government to get Indonesia out of the COVID-19 pandemic. "I want to remind everyone that mobility restrictions must start with each of us," he said. "Whether we belong to that sector or not. If not, then try to stay at home, stay at home," he continued. But, if people don't obey and still choose to leave the house, it's not impossible that the Emergency PPKM scheme will be extended. This is because the number of COVID-19 spreads will increase. Therefore, Anies has left it entirely up to the community whether or not to comply with the Emergency PPKM. If it takes a long time to finish then we all move out, it will take a long time to finish," said Anies. "This could be 2 weeks, 4 weeks, 6 weeks, 8 weeks. It really depends on our speed. In other countries there are up to 10 new 9 week seasons return to normalcy," he added.

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