JAKARTA - The Minister of Home Affairs or the Minister of Home Affairs, Tito Karnavian, said he wanted to examine the regional head elections (pilkada) directly. According to him, the direct Pilkada political system that has been running for the past 20 years needs to be evaluated. Tito assessed that the direct Pilkada system is indeed beneficial for democratic participation, but also has a negative side.

Responding to this, the Chairman of the PKS DPP Mardani Ali Sera said that his party was in a position to participate in discussions with all authorities. He believes this will invite pros and cons. "We need to be careful in making statements. We need strong data and facts. We are open to discussing them. But all sides must be seen," he said, when contacted by VOI, Friday (8/11/2019) However, Mardani agrees that there are some things that must be fixed in the direct election system. This is related to the campaign period which is considered too long. "Costs are still high, money politics is still there. But the result is strong legitimacy because it is directly elected and directly responsible to the community. Improve the system, the results will be good," he explained. Meanwhile, the Secretary General PPP Arsul Sani agrees with the proposal of the Minister of Home Affairs Tito Karnavian to evaluate the direct Pilkada event. According to him, the direct regional election has more disadvantages, such as the rampant money politics. "In fact, from the DPR side, we have seen direct elections for a long time. This has many disadvantages," said Arsul at the MPR / DPR Complex, Jakarta, Thursday (7/11). Arsul also did not deny that the direct elections also provided benefits. One of them is the right of the people to directly elect candidates for the head of their respective regions. On that basis, Arsul suggested that the DPR immediately conduct empirical and academic research related to the implementation of direct Pilkada which has been held since 2005. This research can be a basis for identifying Arsul did not deny that high-cost politics were a pathology that often appeared in direct Pilkada events. "Even if there is a term 'hengki pengki' politics, rather than saying to pay for Pilkada which must cover a wide area and society, it is I am sure that the indirect elections are much lower, "he explained. Golkar Party DPP Chairman Ace Hasan Syadzily said his party consistently wants regional head elections (pilkada) to be carried out directly or directly elected by the people." Yes, we have so far been consistent that the elections are more well executed se the direct way, "said Ace.Ace said, his party had no problem with the implementation of the regional elections being evaluated in order to find the best regional leaders. However, according to him, the direct regional elections still have a positive impact, because they directly accommodate the people's votes. Previously, the Minister of Home Affairs or Home Affairs Minister Tito Karnavian said he wanted to examine the regional head elections (pilkada) directly. This departs from the rise of money politics. "We can see that there are also disadvantages, high cost politics. If a regional head doesn't have Rp. 30 billion, who wants to be a regent, how dare he," said Tito at the Parliament Complex, Senayan, Jakarta, Wednesday (6/11) As a former Chief of the Indonesian National Police, said Tito, he was not surprised by the number of hand-arrest operations (OTT) of regional heads of suspected corruption that had been rife so far. This is because of the high political costs required by a regent candidate. "For me as a former National Police Chief, there is an OTT-OTT, the arrests of regional heads for me are not a surprise for me," said Tito. serving the country and the nation ', continue to lose? Bullshit. I don't believe it, "he continued.

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